This world has been in existence since 1979. It has gone through many evolutions and has provided entertainment for many people. I have decided to drag it out of my notebooks, and put it into type written form so that it might entertain, delight, and teach.
Dale Miller 26 February 2005
Hail, I am Kelvin, Knight of the order of St. Michael. I bid you greetings and welcome for ours is a most hospitable land despite its strivings. It has been my quest to walk this land, lending aid when I could; I am a Michaeline Knight after all, but more importantly to record and map this land so that all who live and move in this land may know it and themselves. The people should know its history, its stories, its heroes, and villains. Its story should be told as much as possible without prejudice or politic, and so this knight, as unworthy as I am, shall be your guide and storyteller. Only St. Michael knows but maybe some day, it will be my honor to tell your story.
Kelvin-By the will of St. Michael-Paladin of the Order Day 1, Year 1600 AHC
*AHC=After Herne’s coming
The Land: The Isle of Errin is a lush land full of trees. It is mountainous although most of the mountains are of the low variety. It has two major rivers in the north of the land that source in the high mountains. They are the River Rapid Flow, and the River Elven Way. The confluence of the two rivers about mid continent forms the Great Southron River, which flows all the way to the sea.
At one time almost the entire land was covered by forest. The are many different types of trees both coniferous and deciduous. There is ample rainfall and the climate is very temperate, if a little damp, except in the months of 5,6,7,8, & 9. Each year has 360 days. The entire island experiences the same climate. Being a large island it was broken off eons ago from a larger land mass and moved along by plate tectonics to its present rest.
The People: The major indigenous races of Errin are Human, Elven, and Dwarf. There is a small presence of Gnomes that appeared later by the will of the Gnome God Glittergold.
The humans, elves, and dwarves appeared simultaneously. For a time they were in direct competition which each other. Each race knew it was the offspring of a patron deity, Corellon of the elves, Herne of the humans, and Moradin of the dwarves.
Moradin foresaw that his children would never be competitive in the woods as hunter-gatherers, so he gathered up his children and went away into the mountains where his people could use their particular talents in peace. Moradin gave his children the discovery of fire; the people call it the gift, and taught them how to work metal. His children went into the mountains themselves and carved out homes in peace. For many years, the dwarves were set aside from the major struggles of the land. They were gone, but were not lost to memory.
Corellon’s children, the elves, were the best hunters and gatherers. They were sharp of mind, quick of eye, and fleet of foot. Corellon gave his children the gift of the bow and they became the premier hunters of the forest.
Most humans could not keep pace, although there were some few that could. Those that were wood crafty stayed in the forest, but many left for the open plains to seek out food. They cried to Herne, and the god of the forest heard their pleas and gave his children the gift of agriculture on the condition that his children never forget that he was the god of the forest and that they had brethren there.
Tilling the soil took great strength and stamina and some of the humans did not have the physicality to do such work. They were however sharp of mind so they began to congregate amongst themselves. As they moved farther away from the land, they forgot Herne.
In the year 1520AHC, Orcs, the great mariners and raiders first landed in Errin. The dwarves did not even know until much later. The elves and humans who were wood crafty retreated into the forest, but those who grouped together had nowhere to go. The battles were slaughters. The humans in the plains had forgotten Herne. They cried out for someone to deliver them. A power did hear their cry. Kalannen the god of Strength, War, Healing, and Knowledge heard their cry. He erected walls around the cities and gave the gift of warfare. He exchanged the gift of warfare with Moradin for the gift of Fire. Kalannen’s children now wielded the Great Claymore Sword, the Great Axe and other implements of war. His children slowly fought back the Orcs.
Shortly thereafter, Kalannen went looking for Herne in the woods. The two met and decided to become friends. They decided that the human children needed more than one God since they had evolved so quickly and were so many. After this time they extended the hand of friendship to Moradin who had helped Kalannen in his children’s hour of need. Herne also found Corellon, and brought him into their fellowship. For many years all of the peoples of Errin lived and worked in peace. Trade ensued, and soon merchants appeared and prospered, but the people still reverenced the land.
This time was not to last. Orc’s continued to raid more and more each year. They would land, plunder what they could, and then leave again only to come back another season. As bad as the Orc raids were, a great new threat happened much later when “The New Men” landed from across the sea.
The New Men: The new men came from across the sea of dragons. The sea is named the sea of dragons because many of the draconic beasts make this place their home. So too, the sea is the abode of many great levitations and other sea creatures discouraging travel. There were three great captains that lead the expedition. Captain Aldric Andreas, Captain Barjac Barcum, and Captain Urdlin Kordt. With the new men came new their new Gods. There was Mahnway the one God, St. Michael his greatest servant, and Lucifur the betrayer. When the new men landed on the southern shores, they were at first un-noticed. Then they were largely ignored. As their numbers grew they began to change the land. They chopped down trees for wood. They planted new trees in their place that were not native to the isle. They sowed large crops, not like the small farms of vegetables that the native peoples grew. As their numbers grew, they began to spread out more and claim more land. Something had to give.
The native peoples met with the new men and told them to halt their advance and to quit the logging of trees. The new men were looking for a conquest. Seeing the numbers of the new men, the alliance of old Gods gave their peoples the gift of magic although Moradin disagreed he did not stop the measure. The Elves embraced magic their inquiring minds eagerly took up the study. Men however broke into two factions. Those of Kalannen took up the study of wizardry but were largely unsuccessful. Those of Herne however were wild and free and became sorcerers and warlocks. The Gods also allowed the clergy to access their powers and the wisest became priests. The new men made ready for war and at the battle of Green Meadows the war was over in one day. The native peoples had won. Their superior magic and the gift of the bow carried the day. Some counseled driving the new men into the sea, but the priests of Kalannen opposed such a measure. “We are not butchers. The battle has been fought and we have won the day. “Let us now turn to making peace with the new men.” The new men barons sued for peace. Baron Kordt, who had been injured in the battle, was not privy to the council. It was Baron Andreas and Baron Barcum that made the treaty. It had many stipulations about logging and how far the new men could expand. The native counsel agreed to the terms, but asked who could be trusted to enforce the treaty. It was the Clerics of Kalannen that suggested that the order of St. Michael who they had met on the battlefield were very honorable men. They nominated the order of the Michaeline’s to uphold the peace. The order agreed and the treaty was signed. Baron Kordt was furious when he awoke from comma. He threatened to attack again with his army, but recanted when he found out that if he took the field that he would not only fight the native peoples but the order of St. Michael as well. Also, although his fellow barons would not take the field against him, they would not agree to ally with him either. He would take the field alone. Kordt was outraged but he knew he was defeated this day. He did not sign the binding oath however. He took his army and left for his own land under the cover of night.
The time of the wizards: While the gift had been given to the native peoples, the new men were spell crafty and brought a few wizards with them. They asked for a place where they could set up a school of wizardry. The Barons Andreas and Barcum, Gilhal Brightstar, King of the elves, and Angus Deo, the Laird of Kilgarney, granted this petition. Baron Kordt said he would set up his own school.
A great college of wizardry was set up on Baron Andreas’s land that the Baron generously donated. Wizards from all areas of the land where welcomed and schooled.
The time of Monsters: Gifts as great as the gift of magic often come with a great price. This was why Moradin in his wisdom dissented. When the land became magically aware it attracted other magically aware creatures both good and ill. Dragons visited the land and a few made their homes there.
The coming of the Others: After the battle of Green Meadows, new beings arrived in the land of Errin. Fey creatures came to its magical forests. Centaurs now roamed in rolling meadows and hillsides; in fact, the deep woods grew wilder with Dryads, Sprites, and Pixies. Dragons now made the land their home.
All was not well though, The great mariners the Orcs continued to raid and plunder in their great long ships. Baron Kordt’s wizards practiced reckless wizardry. One night the dark tower exploded and all sorts of aberrations came forth. Some of the dark magic changed the humans into monstrosities, and a portal to otherwhere was opened and fell creatures came through.
The Lucifurians: So too the Lucifurians had not been idle in working their evil. They practiced foul rights of necromancy and cast dark spells. They consorted with outsiders from the nether realms. Some of these stayed in Kordt’s city of Blacktower, and others went their own ways into the night.
The New Gods: The new gods now gave their gifts. Mahnway gave his followers the gift of turning. His great servant St. Michael gave gifts of chivalry and paladin-hood. Lucifur gave the gift of un-death. It was a time of great turmoil, and all good peoples cried out for a deliverer.
The Coming of St. Leonard: When the good people of Baron Kordt’s land prayed for a deliverer, a new deity was spawned. His name was Leonard. Leonard walked the lands and saw that men especially were troubled. They were split between the old gods of the native peoples, and the gods of the new men. There had to be a common ground for all men to come together. Leonard provided the miracle that was needed. Leonard went to the ruined dark tower and closed the portal that was open and allowing the beings from otherwhere to come through. Leonard hunted down and destroyed many of the evil beings. He could not abide the evil of Baron Kordt’s land, so he hunted down the Lucifurians and put them to the sword. Leonard could not abide the evil in the cities so he took refuge in the woods. Many people learned of him as his fame grew, and he became the first saint of the island. Shortly there after, the good deities wanted to take him into their fellowship. Leonard wanted to make his realm in the land, but great Kalannen advised him if he did this thing that all other deities would do the same making Errin forever a battlefield. Leonard heeded their warning, but still vowed he would walk the lands from time to time.
The time of Peace: After the coming of Leonard, peace came to Errin. Merchants now crisscrossed the land. Orders grew or rebuilt their strength, and the Knights of St. Michael watched over the peace. Monsters roamed the land now, and the Orcs still raided, but the peace is lasting for the moment.
Important Personages: Like every land Errin has her share of kings, nobles, priests and others. Some of the more important ones are detailed here.
Angus Deo-Laird of Kilgarney: Angus Deo is the Laird of Kilgarney and is as close as there is as a “king” of the indigenous peoples of Errin. Angus is a veritable giant of man. He is the chosen of Kalannen without being “touched” by Kalannen. Angus loves peace because he has been to war. Bright and intuitive, generous and gracious, Angus rules his people with a strong but gentle hand. Angus supports the new merchants, and makes it his duty to keep the roads open and safe for travel and commerce.
Baron Aldrak Andreas –Baron Aldrak Andreas is one of the three leaders of the new men. In his great fortress of Whitehall, he is a major force of innovation and invention. Unlike his one time student & protégé Baron Barcum, he is a builder rather than a conqueror. Always looking for something new, his ever-inquisitive mind is planning out good things for his people and realm. It was he that donated part of his lands for the college of wizardry. In his latter days, he has developed an unlikely romance with Sylvya Mightyoak-Arch Druid of Errin. Their love has provided many evenings of lively debate, but usually some understanding can be reached to the betterment of the entire land.
Baron Barjac Barcum-The baron is a man beset with problems, the most perplexing one is that he is a great knight without any battles to fight. Trained as a lawyer, his land has a very lawful rule. He is the great friend and student of Baron Andreas, and this friendship has meant peace for Errin. As much as he reveres Baron Andreas, he despises Baron Kordt. Barcum would gladly take the field against the other baron except for the compact signed by them all. At one point Barcum wanted to build ships and sail over to “Orcland” and make war upon their shores. Another time Barcum wanted to abdicate his rule to Baron Andreas and become a Michaeline Knight. Fortunately Baron Andreas has persuaded him to abandon his ideas. He often encourages his friend to set down the sword and take up the quill for there is no finer legal mind in all of Errin than Baron Barcum’s.
Baron Urdlin Kordt-Baron Kordt is an aggressive militarist. He believes that the stronger should rule the weaker and all peoples should be subject to him. Ruthless and cold, Kordt is a man with few friends, a number of untrustworthy allies, and many enemies. Some of them are “friends” that share many of his views, but would slay him anyway mostly out of spite.
Gilhal Brightstar-Elven King- Gilhal Brightstar watches the strivings of men with some amusement and much deep regret. His view is that the humans were always a little too reckless and the new men were even more so than the original peoples. Gilhal hated the logging of the forest, but understood that the humans had to live. He patrols his land rigorously. Humans who are lost are escorted to the road and given leave to go on about their business. Humans caught logging or trespassing are delivered to the local authorities for justice. Those doing harm to any elves are slaughtered according to Elven law.
Holy Men/Clergy
Kelvin-Paladin of St Michael-Kelvin often called the Mapmaker is a Paladin of St Michael. He has slain Dragons and Beholders, but he regards these as the least of his accomplishments. His greatest achievement is the great map of Errin. Kelvin views it and its atlas as his greatest achievement.
Mardin-Paladin of Mahnway- Mardin is the holiest man in all of Errin. He consults with Angels on a regular basis as equals. He will allow no rivalry between himself and Kelvin, nor will he tolerate any rivalry between the sects of the Wayite religion. Mardin would be named “the Demon Slayer” but he will allow no other epithet. Stating that any thing other than a simple “Paladin of Mahnway” is vanity. Mardin is of the Wayite sect.
Sylvya Mightyoak- High Druid of Herne-Sylvya is the great Druid of Errin. She may be the most talented person in the land. Powerful as any warrior, Graceful as any dancer, tough as any pugilist, and beautiful as any queen, Sylvya is also charismatic, charming, intelligent, and wise. She cares deeply about the land and its people, its indigenous people. She has made allowances for a certain few selected new comers recently.
Mannon Macmir- High Priest of Kalannen Macmir is a tough old battle priest of Kalannen. Many times Mannon has taken up the claymore in his peoples defense, but like his friend Angus Deo since he has been to war often, he is a great lover and protector of peace. Macmir is brave enough to take up the sword and courageous enough to lay it down. It was Mannon who suggested that the Michaeline’s be named protectors of the peace after meeting them in battle. After observing them he deemed the Michaeline’s the perfect tool to keep peace in Errin. Mannon for all his shrewd political maneuvering is great believer in fair play.
Luren- High Priest of St. Leonard- Luren is the energetic and charismatic priest of St Leonard of the Wood. He does his master’s will with great ability and zeal. Like all clerics of St. Leonard unification of the entire land of Errin is a high priority, so also is the rooting out and destruction of evildoers.
Magan-High Priest of Mahnway-Magan is the high priest of the order of Mahnway. Even at his advancing age, he is the most likely priest in Errin to call down cleansing fire on “evildoers.” Magan is a thin severe man called (not to his face) “Old Flame Strike.”
Mardin the new leader of the order does much to keep his righteous zeal in check. Magan is of the “order of Mahn” sect of the god Mahnway.
Kjell-High Priest of St. Michael-Kjell is the huge battle priest of St. Michael. Kjell is a jovial Michaeline, something of an anomaly. In battle, Kjell wields a great mace of disruption. Kjell dislikes Magan intensely, but because of their positions he often must work with him.
Kressen BrightLeaf- High Priest of Corellon, He is a strong advocate of the Elven way of life. He was one of the driving forces to push the new men back into the sea (along with Sylvya Mightyoak). Kressen fully supports King Brightstar’s isolationist stand.
Krog StoneHammer-High Priest of Moradin/Dwarven King- Krog is the greatest priest in Errin. Krog is a careful leader and weighs his options carefully. Krog is very concerned about the new men, Orcan raids, and the ever-expanding use of magic. He has often been heard to say “If I am the wisest priest in Errin, then why in the name of all the Gods won’t anyone listen to what I have to say?”
Portfolios and Powers
Herne-God of the Forest-As per the players Handbook for Druids. Priests of Herne follow all the rules per the player’s handbook for Druids. Herne is one of the original Gods. Herne is a giant man with the head of a great stag. Herne does not talk but his worshippers hear his voice in their minds. It is deep and sonorous.
Kalannen-God of Strength and Industry-Strength, War, Fire, Knowledge. Kalannen is pictured as a giant of a man deep crimson in color. His hair is rusty red and he has a great full beard. Priests of Kalannen gain an automatic proficiency in the great sword. Kalannen is a God of the original humans.
Mahnway-The Shinning One- Sun, Good, Law, and Protection. Mahnway is a sort of over god of the new men. His favored weapon is the morning star. His priests are very concerned with law and good. His paladins may multi-class freely as priests. Mahnway is pictured as a man in white with flowing white hair aged but powerfully built.
St Michael of the Sword-War, Law, Protection, Destruction. St. Michael is the leader of the armies of heaven. He might be confused with a Solar. His Paladins may multi-class freely as fighters, and priests get the long sword proficiency automatically.
St Leonard of the Wood- Healing, Travel, Good, Trickery. St. Leonard’s priests are concerned with uniting the entire good peoples of the land of Errin under one banner of weal. His priest get a special ability once per day they may make attack with a quarterstaff as a monk would with a flurry of blows. Further they get weapon focus and specialization as well. This ability increases once every 10 levels.
Lucifur-the Dark Angel-Death, Destruction, Evil, Chaos-Not much is known about the Lucifurians religion except it is evil in extreme.
Concerning Magic and Wizards
Magic and mages in Errin are very potent. Most wizards are neutral and wish to be left alone to conduct their magery in peace. There are many more wizards than sorcerers and certainly more sorcerers than warlocks. Among the barons, Baron Andreas has the most “wizards of name.” Most probably because he supports the college where wizardry is taught. Baron Barcum views magery as a necessary evil, so he has fewer mages. Baron Kordt’s tower of high wizardry exploded and many of his mages were killed. Gilhal Brightstar the Elven King also has more than a few mages of name all of whom are elvish. Both Herne and Kalannen blessed laird Angus Deo’s land, so innate magic power follows in the blood of his people so that there are sorcerers and warlocks among them. When there is the rare mage, they are sent away to “Baron Andreas’ School of Wizardry.” These few, after they complete their studies, return to the great Laird to extend his peoples knowledge of magic. The openness of Baron Andreas has made the laird a good friend.
There are many lesser wizards who have not yet earned their name. There are also those who for their own reasons do not wish to be known (a few liches fall into this category, as well as some others). All rulers who have wizards of name abiding in their lands, designate them as peers of the realm. They abide in the lands at the pleasure of their liege, and are available probably at a moments notice.
Words of wisdom to young Mages
The common people view wizards with healthy respect. Unlike most other lands, commoners in Errin could tell the difference from a wizard, from a necromancer, from a sorcerer, from a warlock. Also, they may be able to form an educated guess at the power of a certain mage. Causing chaos particularly large area chaos is a sure way to die young, as a mage is Errin. Secondly, Powerful personages do not like being snooped. Powerful Lords have many various means to register their displeasure while high level mages may just turn up on the scryers door step!
Mages of Rank
Aldrac-the Ruby Wizard
Bannon-the Blue
Carran-The Mage of the Rays
Dorton-of the Bats (Necromancer)
Egbert-the Sorcerer
Frank-the Ice Wizard (Envoker)
Garran-of the Hues (Transmuter)
Hild-The Conjurer
Leopold-of the Lake (Illusionist)
Irdren-the Warlock
Jorlen-the Fire Mage
Keljom-the Sorcerer
Maglor-The Fair
Neltram-the Starlight Mage
Oldrun-The Golden
Quinn-the Sorcerer
Ragler-The War Mage
Sordon-the Dark (Necromancer)
Twila- the Sunmage
Ulna-the Sorceress
Veltram-The Earth Mage
Wilton-the Warlock
Xavier-the Gentle
Yalack-The Crazed Mage
Zandor-the Mystic Theurge
Secret Societies
There is one secret group in the land that although secret is known to exist. It is the Order of the Hart. The Order of the Hart is a group of mostly good and a few neutral people who for political reasons may not be able to band together openly. The order has many watchers and agents, and seeks out evil and ‘run away wizards” and quietly disposes of them. The Order works for the betterment of the people of Errin.
The Cities of Errin and the law of Hospitality
Whitehall: Whitehall is a city on the coast. The bay is modest and is protected by the island a few miles off the shoreline. After the battle of Green Meadows Baron Andreas settled and built content to live in peace. Whitehall is built on a series of progressively higher cliffs. The fishing fleet is modest but industrious. Baron Andreas ordered that part of the indigenous forest be replanted and not logged. Whitehall has a wizard’s guild and temples to Mahnway, St. Michael, and St. Leonard. The people are honest inventive and
hard working. Outside the city are farmlands. Farmers are given merchant status. Thievery is not tolerated, and thieves’ guilds are crushed whenever they are found.
Graystone: Graystone is a great keep between two rivers and the seacoast. A large sprawling city grew up outside the keep and along the riverbanks and bay. Most of the fishing fleet is kept “up the river.” Baron Barcum leveled the native forest and replanted “trees from home.” At the urging of Baron Andreas, Baron Barcum replanted a small wood of indigenous forest. There is a small wizards guild and temples to St. Michael and Mahnway. Ironically in such a lawful place, a thieves guild thrives. Thievery is of course illegal, and each private citizen is encouraged to dispense “personal justice” to lawbreakers. The legal code is quite harsh and very strict. Contracts are ruthlessly enforced, and there is a large standing army that drills constantly.
Blacktower: This is the realm of Baron Kordt. His keep sits high on a cliff above the coast. Kordt is no mariner, but there are many small streams and ponds in his land. The baron keeps great herds of cattle. Boron Kordt decimated the native forest with logging. There are no open temples (but Lucifur is covertly worshipped). Since his tower of wizardry exploded, Baron Kordt ruled that magery should be learned through individual apprenticeships rather than a college. The demands on apprentices in this land are extreme. There are a few sorcerers and warlocks who openly wander the streets, something that would not happen in other lands. There is a powerful thieves guild that operates freely in the city (unless they pick on the wrong person). In all, the strong rule the weak, and the weak plot against them.
Kilgarney: Kilgarney rises up from the small mountain forest and is a site to be sure. Its great rock walls are covered with ivy. There is also a great metropolitan city in the forest. Under the trees, the people live their lives and reverence the land. Coal is generally used for fire, heat, and cooking. The Laird has decreed that that all skinning and gutting take place outside the city so that the great metropolis does not smell like a slaughterhouse. Trade is brisk and fair, but the bargaining is very tough. Most arcane casters are sorcerers and warlocks with a few wizards educated by “ Our friend Baron in the south.” With many more sorcerers and warlocks, there is little need for a wizardry school. Temples to Kalannen and Herne are located here. Thieves are feed to the hounds, so most rogues engage in the honest trade.
Elfhome: Elfhome is a tree town and the elves live high in the giant trees. The surefooted elves are completely comfortable with the heights and narrow passageways. As hunter-gatherers the elves have very little heavy industry. The king has decreed all smithing shall be done on the ground way from the town. The elves are very interested in magic and often host magic parties where everyone brings a new spell to share. The elven wizards are powerful indeed, and temples to the Seladrine Gods abound. The Elves truly would like to be left alone to live their lives in peace.
Dwarverest: This home of the dwarves is high in the mountains. Most of the large city is inside the mountain. The place is almost impregnable. Krog StoneHammer is the high priest of Moradin and king of the dwarves. He is the only ruler in the land to be both high priest and king. Recently he has sent a few wizard apprentices to the collage of wizardry. Saying that dwarven hard work and attention to detail would make his people fine and careful wizards, the king has given his blessing. Dwarevesrest is a very lawful place where hard work is rewarded and appreciated. Thieving is non-existent.
The Law of Hospitality
Because the terrain of Errin is so very rugged, peoples from the beginning tended to not travel very far from their homes. Herne foresaw that this would cause many problems in the future for his and all peoples. In order to encourage the peoples to spread out and travel, Herne gave the law of hospitality to the peoples of Errin. Strangers who are weary from the road and seeking shelter are to be treated as guests. Guests are not to break the peace of the host’s house for any reason. The breaking of the law carries Herne’s own personnel curse, which is very serious (in game terms this means you always fail your saves).
The law has some many provisions, exceptions and explanations, which any druid could explain. Trying to use the law as a weapon against a foe is also breaking the law and subjecting the breaker to the curses effect.
Notes of the religion of Mahnway
There are two different sects of the God Mahnway. They are the Manites and Wayites or the disciples of Mahn and the followers of the Way.
Disciples of Mahn are lawful neutral. They believe that order is the salvation of humanity. The concept of good is merely a by-product of order. Priests of the order of Mahn may not cast exalted spells nor may they choose the Good sphere. Instead they may choose the lawful sphere. Priests of the order of Mahn may channel negative energy in relation to the commanding of undead or spontaneous casting of spells.
Followers of the Way are lawful good. They may use spells with the good descriptor and may also use exalted spells. Priests of the way would never channel negative energy. They believe that goodness is the basis of law not the other way around.
Celestial Paragons
The celestial paragons exist and are very active after the portal to “otherwere” was opened. Of course, when the celestial paragon came forth so did their evil counterparts. The paragons follow the outlines in the books. They are quick to point potential follower to the true gods.
The Order of St. Gabriel
Baron Barcum sent for the order of St. Gabriel after the battle of Green Meadows. It was a true miracle that the order crossed the Sea of Dragons alive. Members of this order are lawful good or lawful neutral monks. This order lives a monastic life away from the hustling port of Graystone close to the replanted forest. The monks seem content to perfect themselves. Their council has been welcomed and their presence has made Baron Barcum abandon many ideas of conquest. The leader is a high level monk by the name of Malcyn who is lawful good and reveres Pistis Sophia. She has made the order welcome and a positive influence. There are rumors that Baron Barcum and she are in love but members of the order may not marry outside the order. Baron Barcum understands that if he abdicates his Lordship that a large part of Errin will go to war. Malcyn asserts that it is much to early for her to relinquish her leadership role with the order being so new in the land of Errin. Both she and the baron at times seem frustrated at not being together.
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